White wine

White wine

White wineWhile some people swear by red wine, they are many people who love white wine. Due to the many different varieties of white wine, there is probably a type of white wine that you will like. Many white wines go well with all types of food, such as cheese and snacks. In order to find out what type of white wine you will enjoy, it is recommended to try the different types of wine.


The first traces of white wine were found 7500 years ago. These traces were first found in Iran. While the first traces were found in Iran, it is not clear whether wine had already been produced for a longer period of time in this area. Research which has been conducted on the origins of wine found that wine played a big role in cultures in the Middle East. Wine was said to be produced in the mountains between Armenia and Anatolia. Once it was produced, it was then transported the neighboring countries. Wine was produced in different forms. For example, the types of wine that were produced included light, white, red and sour wine. In the Greek culture, wine also played an important role. It is said that wine was drunk since the time of Hippocrates. Hippocrates was a physician who was born around 460 BC. Hippocrates often prescribed wine to his patients when they showed signs of illness. The common types of white wine which he prescribed include bitter white wine and vinous white wine. The fact that there were two main types of white wine during this time imply that different processes were already used to produce wine. The Romans adopted the viticulture of the Greeks. The adoption of the viticulture also means that the Romans started producing their own white wine. Wealthy Romans often organized large dinners were wine played an important role. The rich Roman citizens also built houses in the Bay of Naples were they produced their own wine. The type of grapes they used eventually led to the production of a sweet white wine. This sweet wine is often compared to the current Madeira wine. When the Romans started conquering more regions in the north, they also got access to different types of grapes. This new access led to the production of new types of white wine. For example, the Romans started producing white wines which were not only lighter but they were also less sweet compared to the white wines they used to drink.

Types of white wine

Different types of grapes can be used to produce white wine. Some varieties of grapes are more popular than other due to their marketing of a specific wine. One of the most popular types of wine is Chardonnay. Chardonnay originate from the Burgundy region and has been sold under this name for a long period of time. Chardonnay can be purchased almost all over the world. The can be either still or sparkling, depending on your personal taste and preference. Compared to other types of white wines, Chardonnay has a bit of a citrus taste. If you want to combine Chardonnay with food, it is recommended to combine the wine with poultry or fish. The wine is produced in Australia, South Africa, France and the United States. Another popular type of wine is Sauvignon. This wine originates from the Bordeaux vineyards which are to be found in France. While the wine was first produced in this region, the wine is also produced in New Zealand, Australia and United States. The wine is particularly known for its mineral aromas. This means that the wine can be considered to be flat and lacks the flavor of fruits. This type of wine is often served with seafood, salads and poultry. Riesling wine is another type of wine which is popular all over the world. The wine originates from Germany and Switzerland. This wine is often described to be much lighter compared to other white wines. Moreover, this wine has the flavor of a green apple and can thus be said to be a bit more sour compared to other wines. Riesling goes well with pork, fish and chicken. Petite Arvine is another type of wine which finds its origins in Switzerland. Research suggest that the wine was first produced around 1600. This type of wine is often described to be medium-dry. The wine is recommended to be served with foods which are from northern and central Europe.


The color of white wine is dependent on the type of wine. The most common color of white wine is described to be yellow. However, it is also for the wine to have more of a transparent color. This is dependent on the richness of the grapes. Moreover, the color is also different at the joint between the glass and the wine. It took a long time before it was agreed which color white wine was or how it should be termed. It was also difficult to identify the specific elements which were responsible for the wines having different colors. Biau wrote a thesis in 1995 where he identified different molecules which played a role in this process. He did not only identify proteins and a few phenolic acids, but he also found that polysaccharides had an influence on the color of the wine. Another researcher stated that the term which is often used to describe the color of white wine is gold. Gold is often used because the wine does not only appear to have a golden color in a wine glass but it also reflects light which causes it to have a golden reflection. When using a color scale, wine can even be said to be almost colorless white. When the wine is still young, it has more of a pale yellow color. However, it can also take up a pale greenish color. White wine looks more yellow the older the wine becomes. If the wine is left for even longer, it adopts more of a copper color. Eventually, the wine will take more of an amber color. Chardonnay has more of a yellow color, while Sauvignon will have a greenish color.

The making of white wine

White wine is made from black and white grapes. Even though the grapes can be dark, the flesh of the grapes is usually white. Once the grapes have been harvested, the grapes are pressed. The juice of the grapes is then extracted and this juice is referred to as wort. One the wort has been extracted, it is put in tanks where the fermentation process starts. During this process, sugar is transformed into alcohol. This process occurs because of the yeast which is present on the grapes. The maturity of the grape depends on the requirement of the final product. If you want to have a sweet white wine, it is important that sugar is still present. If you would like to have a dry white wine, then it is important that the fruit is harvested right before the maturity of the sugar. Eight days before the maturity of sugar occurs is the optimal point. This is due to the fact that the relation between sugar and acid at this point is considered to give dry white wine its unique flavor.  While most of the harvesting of grapes occurred by hand, as was the traditional way of harvesting grapes, this process is not challenged. More harvesting machines are introduced for producing dry white wines. Many farmers choose to use harvesting machines since it is cheaper. Although this might be a wise economic choice, this process does not improve the quality of the wine. In some cases, it can even have a negative impact on the taste of the wine. Since the grapes are considered to be fragile fruit, it is important that the grape is quickly transferred to the winery. This needs to happen quickly since the grapes should be protected from oxidation.

Sparkling wine

Sparkling white wines are commonly referred to as champagne. However, not all white wines are champagne. Sparkling white wine can be produced in different ways. Sparkling wine is white wine combined with fermentation gases. This fermentation gas is basically carbon dioxide. During the fermentation process all wines become sparkling wines. This is due to the fact that during the alcohol fermentation process, the yeast which can be found on grapes produced carbon dioxide. However, most of the time this gas escapes and causes the wine to be become still. Thus, when sparkling wine is produced the carbon dioxide is maintained which produced the bubbles. One of the traditional methods for making sparkling white wine is called method champenoise. During this process, sugar is added to wine and bottled. After this has occurred, a second fermentation takes place in the bottle which causes the wine to become bubbly. Another method used for making sparkling white wine is the closed vat method. When this method is used, a second fermentation process takes place in closed vats. After the fermentation process has taken place, the wine is then filtered. After it has been filtered, the wine is put under pressure which eventually leads to the wine becoming sparkling. Gasification is another method which is commonly used to make wine sparkling. During this process, carbon dioxide is injected into the vat where wine is kept. The wine is then put in bottles where it is put under pressure. When flavored sparkling wines are made, the gasification process is the type of method which is used.

White wine and food

Wine can be combined with all types of food. Wine can be served with salty as well as with sweet dishes. Wine which is more sweet goes well with savory dishes. This combination is often recommended because a sweet wine mitigates the heavy sugars and actually stimulated the fruitiness of a dish. If you want to have a glass of white wine before you have an actual meal, it is recommended to have a glass of sparkling wine of a glass of flavored dry wine. When having an actual meal, the type of wine which is recommended depends on your main dish. If your main dish contains seafood or oysters, very dry wines are recommended. This is due to the fact that the acidity of a dry wine reveals the salinity of the shellfish. Dry wines are also recommended when having a stew. The acidity of the wine actually counterbalances the fat present in the stew. Moreover, chefs also recommend white wine instead of red wine when having a cheese platter. It is said that the acidity of white wines goes well with the fats present in dairy products. White wines such as Sauvignon or Chardonnay are said to bring out a more intense flavor of dairy products. For example, gourmets said that these wines bring out the milky taste in a cheese such as goat cheese.


Article written by: SarahAjaoud
Times read: 2370x
Added: 09-01-2017 21:44
Last modified: 16-03-2017 23:47

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