
Things to do in Paris

ParisParis is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It has some beautiful spots to visit and is on almost everyone’s list to visit. People from all over the world come to Paris to take glimpses of the majestic monuments, museums and shopping places. The city offers a unique balance of different experiences. This article will address a few of the main activities in the city of Paris.

Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower is one of the main tourist attractions in Paris. The tower is considered to be the most-visited paid monument in the world, and has over 25,000 visitors a day. The popularity of the attraction often results in long queues. The Eiffel Tower is named after Gustave Eiffel, who designed and built the tower. The tower was built in 1889 and was the entrance of the World’s Fair in 1889. The structure has since become one of the most recognizable towers in the world and it is considered to be a global cultural icon of France. The tower has a total height of 324 meters and is the tallest structure in Paris. Also, it is the second-tallest structure in France after the Millau Viaduct. The Eiffel Tower has a total of three levels, on which restaurants are present on the first and second levels. The highest point accessible to the public is on 276 meters above the ground. This is the highest observation point accessible to the public in the European Union. The floors are accessible through the staircase or by the elevator. When climbing from the ground floor to the first level, there are over 300 steps which need to be climbed.

The Louvre Museum

The Louvre Museum is the largest museum in the world. It is a unique historic monument located in the beautiful city of Paris. Together with the Eiffel Tower, it is one of the main tourist spots in Paris. The Louvre Museum is also considered to be the world’s second most visited museum in the world. The Palace Museum in China is the most visited museum in the world. The Louvre had over 9 million visitors in 2014 from all over the world. The museum is located in the Louvre Palace. The Louvre Palace was built in the 12th century by Philip II for the purpose of a fortress. The remains of the fortress are still visible in the basement of the museum. In 1682, King Louis XIV decided that the Palace of Versailles would be his permanent household. It is for this reason that the Louvre Palace was primarily used as a place to display his royal collection. After this time many galleries and sculptures were added to the collection. During the French Revolution, the French National Assembly that the museum should solely be used to display the masterpieces of the country. In 1793 is when the museum officially opened its doors and made the collections available to the public. One of the most famous works in the museum is the painting by Leonardo Da Vinci, the Mona Lisa. The Mona Lisa is considered to be the best known, most visited and most parodied work of art in the world.

Arc de Triomphe and Champ-Élysées

Apart from the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Museum, the Arc de Triomphe is also one of the main monuments in Paris. The Arc de Thriomphe is located on the Champ- Élysées, one of Paris’ main shopping streets featuring some of the most popular brands in the world. The Arc de Thriomphe is located in the center of the Place Charles de Gaulle where most of the international embassies are located. The Arc de Thriomphe should not be confused with the Arc de Thriomphe du Carrousel. This latter one is located on the west side of the Louvre museum and provides a beautiful view over the museum. The monument has a height of 50 meters, is 45 meters wide and has a depth of 22 meters. It is possible to climb the Arc. It provides a beautiful view over the busy streets of Paris. The monument was defined by Jean Chalgrin in 1806. Moreover, the Arc was originally built to honor those who fought and died for France during the Napoleonic Wars and the French Revolutionary Wars. The names of all French generals are inscribed on both the outer and inner surfaces of the Arc. Also, underneath the Arc is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier who died in World War I.

Notre Dame  de Paris

The Notre Dame de Paris is a medieval Catholic cathedral located in the city of Paris. The Notre Dame de Paris, meaning ‘Our Lady of Paris’, is located on the Ile de la Cité and next to the river Seine running through the city. The Notre Dame is considered to be one of the most-well known church buildings in the world. Moreover, it is one of the must see buildings in Paris. It is perfect to combine a visit to the Notre Dame with a nice picnic next to the Seine. The church is also considered to be a good example of classic French Gothic architecture and is usually mentioned as one of the finest Gothic style churches in the world. The stained glass and the sculptures of the Notre Dame are in contrast with early Roman architecture making the building even more interesting to visit. The Notre Dame is the cathedral of the Archdiocese of Paris and contains the seat of the Archbishop of Paris. Moreover, the cathedral contains treasuries. For example, it houses some of the most important relics of Catholicism. One of the Holy Nails, a fragment of the True Cross and the purported Crown of Thorns are only a few examples of the treasuries kept at the Notre Dame.


The Sacré-Coeur, also known as the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris, is a Roman Catholic church located in one of the most beautiful areas in Paris. The Sacré-Coeur is a minor basilica which was dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is considered to be one of the popular landmarks of Paris and is located at the Montmartre. The Montmartre, as will be addressed below, is the highest point in the city. The Sacré-Coeur is a double monument. The building has had both a political and cultural purpose. The building serves as a national retribution for the defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian War in 1871. Also, the socialist Paris Commune of 1871 used the building as an opportunity to crown its most rebellious neighborhood. Moreover, the Sacré-Coeur also serves as an embodiment of moral order. This is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus which was, and continues to be, a popular vision of a sympathetic Christ. The building was designed by Paul Abadie and was completely finished in 1914. The Basilica is open every day. It opens its doors at 06:00 and closes at 22:30. There is a good connection from the center of Paris to the Basilica. Most buses stop at the bottom of the hill requiring you to walk up the hill to visit the building.


Montmartre is one of the largest hills in Paris. It is located in the 18th arrondissement and has a total height of 130 meters. The hill is located in the northern area of the city, which is also known as the historic district of Paris. The historic district is surrounded by a few main roads. The district was decided upon by the City of Paris in 1995. North of the district is the rue Caulaincourt and the rue Custine. On the eastern side is the rue de Clignancourt, and the boulevard de Rochechouart and the boulevard de Clichy are located on the south side of the district. The total area covers 60 hectares. The area is mostly known for the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris, which is located at the top of the hill. There is also another church located in Montmartre, namely Saint Pierre de Montmartre. This church is older compared to the Sacré-Coeur and is considered to be the location at which the Jesuit order was founded. The area of Montmartre was often visited by famous artists who would work in the area. Pablo Picasso, Vincent van Gogh and Claude Monet are only a few of the many artists who visited Montmartre in the beginning of the twentieth century to work. The area has also been used for different movies. One of the main movies filmed in Montmartre is Moulin Rouge.

Musée d’Orsay

The Musée d’Orsay is a museum located along the river the Seine. Together with the Louvre Museum, it is one of the most famous museums in Paris. The museum mainly houses French art dating from 1848 to 1914. The museum includes furniture, paintings, sculptures and photographs from artists such as Van Gogh, Monet and Sisley. The museum has the largest collection of post-impressionist masterpieces  and is considered to be one of the largest art museums in Europe. The museum was originally built to be a railway station. The construction of the railway station, referred to as Gare d’Orsay, finished in time of the Exposition Universal in 1900. Architects Victor Laloux, Lucien Magne and Émile Bénard designed the railway station and had no idea the station would later be turned into a museum. In 1970 permission was granted by the Ministry of Cultural Affairs to demolish the station, and the Directorate of the Museums of France suggested to turn the railway station into a museum. The intention was for the museum to serve as a gap between the National Museum of Modern Art and the Louvre Museum.


Article written by: SarahAjaoud
Times read: 2090x
Added: 19-06-2016 02:34
Last modified: 26-06-2016 20:28

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