SEO texts

Search engine optimisation: writing SEO texts

SEO textsDo you want to optimise your website for search engines? The writing of good SEO texts is an important factor for search engines. Writing SEO texts is not so difficult, but you of course have to know how to do this. In this article we will explain in five steps how write texts that make sure your website's ranking in search engines goes up.

Step 1: Choose the right search term

When you want to write an SEO text, you first have to pick a search term on which you want to rank higher. You can also choose for two search terms if you are writing a longer text. With the help of the keyword planner of Google AdWords you can see how many monthly searches a particular search term has and what the competition is like. The best is of course to pick a search term that has a lot of searches and only little competition. Make sure that the search term matches the topic of your website. If this is not the case, then the visitors that come in through the search on this search term will probably not be so relevant to your website.

Step 2: Think of a SEO-friendly titel

The writing of an article of course begins with thinking of a title. With an SEO text you should make sure that the search term (or search terms) are inside of the title. You can best start the title with the search term. This sometimes seems difficult to do, but it doesn't have to be so difficult. Look for example what we have done with the title of this article, of which 'search engine optimisation' is the search term. Your title needs to stay attractive though, because then it will also encourage the visitors to read the text.

Step 3: Write the text

After you have thought of a good title, you start writing a text. Write a text with a minimum of 300 words, but preferably 500 words or more. Don't think too much about search terms, but write the text as you would normally do. If the term has something to do with the search term, then you will probably mention the search term a few times in the article without even think about it. When you have written the text you can check if you have named the search term in the article. You only have to do this a few times, about two to five times in a text of 300 words. If the search term is mentioned less in the article, then you can add the keyword a few times in the text. Try to mention the keyword in the headers. Because you do not write the text for search engine optimisation directly, you are focussed on the visitors of your website. Try not to fill your text with search terms so that it remains fun to read for your visitors.

Step 4: Think of a meta title and description

The meta title of a page or message is the title that becomes visible in the search engines. Often you can use the title of your text for this, but in some cases this will be too long. The meta title is cut off after 50 to 60 characters. Shorten the title of your article a little and try to at the same time still have the search term in there and that the title still sounds attractive. In the meta description you give a short summary of the page. The optimal length of this piece of text is 140 to 160 characters. Mention the search term at least once in the meta description. The meta title and meta description do not have any influence on the ranking of your website. But a good meta title and meta description can ensure that more people click your site in the search results.

Step 5: Give images alt texts

A text with images is always nicer to read than a text without images. We can therefore definitely recommend to add one or multiple images to your text. Search engines also know that visitors enjoy this more and this might cause your page or message to rank higher in the search results. When you add images to your SEO texts, it is good for the search engine optimisation to fill in the alt texts. The alt text tells the search engines what is depicted on the image, because the search engine spiders can't see this themselves. It is smart to process the search term into the alt text of the image.

Keyword spamming

When writing SEO texts you always have to be wary of keyword spamming. We have mentioned before that you only need to mention the search term a couple of times. This is much nicer to read than a text full of keywords. There is however another reason why you should be careful with the use of search terms. Search engines will nowadays take into account the keyword spamming and will punish website that process too many search terms in their texts. When you write a good text and mention the search term a couple of times, there is no problem. Just make sure that not a large part of your text consists of keywords.

Content marketing

Content marketing as a popular term nowadays. It becomes more and more difficult to have your website ranked by collecting links and it is actually being disregarded by search engines. The placing of new content is highly appreciated however and therefore content marketing is becoming more and more important. When you place a blog on your website, you can regularly place new content online. In this way you will keep your website active and you will give your visitors more information; search engines love this! Furthermore you can process a different search term in each blog text, though which your site is findable through more search terms. In these times it is thus very wise to start a blog on your website and keep it up.
The writing of SEO texts can have a big influence on search engine optimisation. We have given you five steps in this article how to write a good SEO text yourself. Now it may be a good idea to start writing three SEO texts today and place them on your website. Within two months you will see which results this will bring to your website!


Article written by: roybor
Times read: 2884x
Added: 22-02-2017 10:58
Last modified: 31-05-2017 10:16

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