Lemons and limes

Lemons and limes

Lemons and limesAlmost every cuisine in the world uses lemons in some kind of way. Whether added to a cocktail or in the preparation of various dishes, lemons and limes add a unique taste to any dish or drink. They are often consumed in small quantities due to their sour and intense flavor. This article will address the history and the health benefits of lemons and limes. If you want to find out more, keep reading!

Description of lemons

Lemons are known as the bright yellow fruit which is commonly available all over the world. The scientific name of lemons is Citrus limon. When people think of lemons, they often think of summer and images of sunshine. Also, lemons are associated with lemonade which is often sold on hot summer days. Lemons have an oval shape and they have a bright yellow color. The outer peel of lemons can be described to be texturized since it has very small dots. Similar to many other fruits which are part of the citrus family, the inner flesh of lemons is separated in segments. The average lemon has about eight to ten segments. The taste of lemons can be described to be acidic, astringent and tart. While they might be acidic, they are often also said to be refreshing.

Different types of lemons

There are  two main types of sour lemons. The first type is the Eureka lemon. This type of lemon had a more texturized skin compared to the Lisbon lemon. Moreover, the Eureka lemon also has a short neck on one end. This type of lemon is also known for often only having a few seeds inside. The Lisbon lemon can be described to have a smoother skin compared to the Eureka lemon. Furthermore, this type of lemon also does not have a neck and is usually seedless. While these types of lemons are considered to be sour lemons, there are also lemons which are considered to be sweet in flavor. An example of a type of lemon which is sweet is called Meyer lemon. This type of lemon is becoming more popular and is often used to make cocktails. It is now commonly used in restaurants and is widely available on markets.

Description of limes

Limes are in some cases confused with lemons. However, they are not the same type of fruit. Limes are a small citrus fruit. The scientific name for limes is Citrus Aurantifolia. Both the skin and flesh of limes have a green color. Limes commonly have a round shape. However, you might also find limes which have an oval shape. Limes are generally smaller compared to lemons. The diameter of limes is usually between one to two inches. The majority of limes have a sour flavor. However, there are also limes which have a sweet taste. The sweet limes are not commonly available and are only used in specific regions in the world. The limes which have a sour flavor possess a greater sugar content and a greater citric acid compared to lemons. They are also described to have an acidic and tart taste. Sweet limes, on the other hand, usually lack the citric acid and have a sweet flavor. There are two main types of sour limes. The first type of sour limes is called the Tahitian. Tahitian limes often have an egg-shape. They are generally also relatively small and they do not contain any seeds. Key limes have a more acidic taste compared to Tahitian limes.

History of lemons

Lemons have been around for a long period of time. They first developed as a cross between the citron and the lime. While it is not sure where lemons originally come from, it is thought that their origins are in India or in China. It is estimated that they were first cultivated more than 2,500 years ago. Lemons were first introduced to Europe by the Arabs. The Arabs brought lemons to Spain around the 11th century. It was also around this time that lemons were introduced to the North African region. It is suggested that the Crusaders were the ones who found the fruit growing in Palestine. They are considered to be the ones who spread lemons to various parts of the world. Travelers from Europe are said to be the ones who introduced lemons in the United States. It is said that lemons were introduced to the United States around 1493. Since the 16th century, lemons are grown in Florida. During the 19th century, lemons were highly prized by miners. This was also the case with many  other fruits which contained high levels of vitamin C. They were consumed by miners to protect them from the development of scurvy. At the time lemons were in such high demand that people were willing to pay up to one dollar per lemon. Even today, people consider one dollar per lemon to be a lot of money. Thus you can imagine that one dollar per lemon was a lot of many back in the 19th century. The main producers of lemons in the  world are Spain, Italy, Greece, the United States and Turkey.

History of limes

While lemons mainly grow in Europe and in the United States, limes are believed to have originated in Southeast Asia. It is said that Arab travelers were the ones who brought limes back on their journey from Asia. They then introduced the limes in Egypt and other countries in Northern Africa. It is estimated that this happened around the 10th century. Moreover, the Arab Moors are said to be the ones who introduced limes to Spain around the 13th century. The Arab Moors are also said to have brought other types of fruit to Europe. Continuously, the Crusades were the ones who spread the limes to other parts of Europe. Limes are said to flourish in climates which are subtropical or tropical. For this reason, when limes were introduced to the Caribbean, this is also where they still grow today. The humid and hot climate in the Caribbean countries is considered to be the ideal weather circumstances for limes to grow. Many centuries later when the British colonizers arrived in the Caribbean, they consume limes since they were a source of vitamin C. This helped them to prevent scurvy. The term “limey” is currently still used for people who are of British descent. This term originates from the term “limes” since they were consumed by the British in the West Indies. Limes were introduced in the United States around the 16th century. This is when the Spanish colonizers arrived in the West Indies are introduced limes in the Florida Keys. This was when Key limes started to be cultivated in Florida. In the following centuries, Spanish missionaries also tried to plant lime trees in California. However, the limes could not grow in this state since the climate did not support the growth of limes. During the 19th century was when the fruit was being imported from Mexico and Tahiti. The fruit was imported and consumed by miners since the fruit was known for preventing scurvy. The countries which are currently considered to be the biggest commercial producers of lime are Mexico, Brazil and the United States.

Lemon water

Many people believe that the taste of lemons and limes is too sour. If you believe that they are too strong, you can make a simple drink. Add a few slices of lemon or lime to a glass of water and you have a refreshing drink. Also, the drink has many health benefits which will be addressed in this section. Thus, for people who do not like drinking a lot of water, you might find yourself reaching for this drink once you find out how  many benefits it offers! One of the health benefits of lemon water is that it help in digestion and detoxification. This is due to the fact that the atomic structure of lemon juice is similar to that of digestive juices which can be found in the stomach. Thus, it tricks the liver into producing bile. Bile helps food to move through the gastrointestinal tract without any problems. Thus, lemon water can therefore be a great drink if you have problems with your digestive system. Moreover, another benefit of lemon water is that it can to relieve indigestion and it can help when you haves stomach aces or when your stomach hurts.

Additional benefits of lemon water

Our bodies do not make vitamin C on their own. For this reason, it is important to consume enough products which contain vitamin C. Vitamin C can be found in a wide range of food products and drinks. Luckily, lemons are a source of vitamin C. Vitamin C is known for stimulating the production of white blood cells. Moreover, it also plays a role in keeping your immune system strong and functioning. Vitamin C is also an antioxidants. As an antioxidants, vitamin C can help to protect cells from being damaged by oxidative stress. Also, by consuming products which contain vitamin C, you will be less likely to get a cold or a flu. When you consume lemon water on a daily basis, you will be ensured that you get the right amount of vitamin C. Another health benefit of lemon water is that is helps to rejuvenate the skin and it helps to heal wounds. This is also due to the concentration of vitamin C which is found in lemon water. The compounds in lemon water help to restore and prevent damage which is caused by free radicals. Also, it helps to keep your skin healthy and looking fresh. By consuming lemon water, you will also ensure that your body produces enough collagen. Collages helps to smooth out lines which often appear in the face.

How to incorporate more lemons in your diet

As mentioned,  many people do not like to consume lemons or limes on their own since they have a strong acidic flavor. However, you will still be able to use lemons and limes since they are a very versatile products. It is recommended that lemons are picked at their peak. During their peak is when they are fully ripe. This is the case because the quality of lemons does not improve after they have been picked. Moreover, lemons should be stored away from sunlight. This is due to the fact that they can go bad quickly if they are places  in direct sunlight. It is best to store lemons and limes at room temperature. You can also place them in the refrigerator. Since lemons are versatile you can use them in a wide variety of dishes. They generally go well with sweet as well as savory dishes. You will see that lemons are often used in desserts. For example, you can make lemon raspberry almond muffins. Lemons are also commonly used in combination with fish, chicken and shrimp. Furthermore, lemons are often featured in Mediterranean dishes. If you are looking for a healthy recipe with lemons, you can try making lemon raspberry bars. If you want to use lemons for an actual dish, you can try making whole grain pasta with lemon and artichokes.


Article written by: SarahAjaoud
Times read: 3361x
Added: 12-02-2017 19:45
Last modified: 07-05-2017 22:44

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