Singing lessons

Singing lessons: do's and don'ts

Singing lessonsDo you want to learn how to sing? Some people have it naturally and others would like to learn by taking singing classes. But what should you do when taking singing classes and what should you not do? In this article you will read more about the do's and don'ts of taking singing classes!

Do's and don'ts when taking singing classes

When you write an application letter there are of course certain do's and don'ts. What you should do, what do you write in your application letter and what you should not do. The do's and don'ts for taking up singing classes are thus nothing else than the things that you should definitely do and which you should certainly not do. We will explain more about this.

Why take singing classes?

Do you love singing and are you walking around the house the whole day singing, while the rest of your surroundings do not appreciate it? Then it is time to take up singing classes. Even when you are already a good singer, it is recommended to take up singing classes. You namely learn the perfect way of breathing and how to use your vocal cords properly. You also learn how not to force your voice and much more. This way you will even sing more beautifully and you will learn to sing in different music genres (if you want to). How much talent you have is heard during the singing classes by your teacher. Singing classes are the way to get even better, but also to make sure singing stays fun.

Online singing classes

Do you want to first try if you enjoy taking singing classes, then go online and you can receive a free singing class. You receive singing exercises and breathing exercises, the technique that is associated with that is also explained. You start by warming up your vocal cords, similarly as in sports where you also perform a warming up before you fully engage into your activity. Do you want to improve, then it is of course important that you follow the instructions, but also practice the exercises on a daily basis. Do you enjoy online singing classes, but do you want more... then you can receive singing classes from a real teacher by registering. The one does not have to exclude the other, you can do it besides each other and make quick progress.

Trial singing class

Are you still doubting wether you should take a singing class or not? Ask for a trial class and experience how much fun singing classes can be. Do you want to go deeper into technique and are you interested in background information, then you can choose for a singing course. A trial for a singing class can be requested by anyone. You do not need to have any experience singing, but having some experience is of course also okay. Age is unimportant, as long as you are enjoying yourself. The teacher can take into account what kind of music you like, you can choose your genre during the singing class. Singing classes can be limited to a certain level or a certain number of singing classes. You are however never really finished, you keep developing your singing skills, your performance and your self confidence.

What is important with singing classes

In your interest the singing class knows:

  • A good teacher, with whom fun in singing is also top priority
  • that you can sing at your own level
  • that you can choose to sing the genre that you like (you can always add genres later in time)
By singing you can release your emotions. You also learn to control your emotions however, because you cannot fall out into tears every time you want to sing a sensitive song when you are performing (although it does some kind of involvement). The teacher will show you how to sing in an appropriate way classical music, pop music and/or a song with a raw edge in the best way, without this costing your vocal cords and it going without hurting your throat after a class or performance. In learning how to sing technique plays an important role. This will be explained to you by your teacher in the correct way. Make your wishes clear to your teacher. What do you want to learn? Where do you want to improve? What do you want to do better? What walls are you running into in some songs? You are taking the singing classes, and so you are the student, young or old, it doesn't matter. You do not need to sound professional or great straight away. You are taking singing classes to become a better singer or to suffer less from throat pain, hoarseness or to prevent problems of your vocal cords. After a performance you should not be suffering from the above mentioned conditions because your teacher is trying to take away the causes of these issues. You sing by yourself and often you can do this quite well already, but with singing classes you are improving.

Do I dare to take singing classes?

If you are a able to study and are open for constructive criticism and have a little bit of talent, you can easily take up singing classes. Being a little musical comes in handy, but you can learn this as well. Having a bit of a feeling of rhythms is necessary, but you will learn the techniques with your teacher. You can also take online singing classes to see if you like it. If you like to sing you can always take up singing classes, does it really not improve then you can always decide to quit later. Know that a nice result is what you want, but that the fun in singing is priority. A good teacher will be honest with you if you can achieve more. He or she will also tell you that not everyone makes it to the top, but can make improvements and keep going on your own level. You can go solo, but also sing in a choir or group. Discuss these options with your teacher. He or she would love to help you with your musical career or with music as a hobby.

Listen to your own voice

Listening to your own voice can be done in two ways. You can record a song that you sing and play it back over your headphones or speaker to listen to how it sounds. You can also simply listen to your own voice within you that is telling you that you simply want to sing and that you want to make a career or sing for a hobby. Look where your possibilities lie and ask help of the teacher, that would love to help you guide your choice and look at it from a professional point of view. By listening back to your recording as mentioned above, you can learn a lot. Do you recognise your own voice? What should you do differently? What can you improve? It is nice to have a professional listens with you and gives you criticism. Also in the second way of "listening to your voice within" the opinion of a professional, the singing teacher, is important. This does however not take away that you can always keep singing just for pure joy! Even it the singing coach recommends not going for a career. In the end using your own voice to make sounds and melodies is one of the most amazing gifts we have as human beings. When we practice singing and allow our hearts to sing through our voice, we can surely experience some magical moments, regardless of the "professional opinion".


Article written by: roybor
Times read: 2113x
Added: 20-12-2016 10:54
Last modified: 15-01-2017 18:42

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