
How long do eggs last?

eggsFresh eggs are a product that are present in almost everyone’s kitchen. They are used everywhere in the world as a breakfast dish, used in pastries or for any other purpose. This article will not only explore the expiration date of eggs, but will also address how you can tell that eggs are rotten and what to do in case you have many more eggs at home than necessary.

Expiration date of eggs

The most accurate date regarding the expiration date of eggs is to consider the date placed on the egg carton by the manufacturer. The manufacturer labels the pack date of the eggs and based on this date you can calculate the expiration of eggs. While most people believe that eggs should be thrown out when they have passed the “best by” date, eggs can actually be stored for an additional 3 to 4 weeks after this date. Mostly, eggs can be stored for a at least 66 days.

How to store eggs in the refrigerator

Eggs can be stored in two different ways. They can either be stored in the refrigerator or they can be stored in the freezer. There are different factors that influence how long eggs last. When they are properly stored they rarely spoil. Nevertheless, when you keep eggs for too long they can dry up.  When eggs are stored in the fridge it is recommended that they are kept in their original packaging. Moreover, they should be stored on the inside shelf of the refrigerator and away from pungent foods. While many people store their eggs on the door of the refrigerator, this should actually be avoided since the temperature of the door is not constant. The door is frequently opened and closed causing changes in temperature. Also, by keeping the eggs in the carton the eggs do not pick up the odors or flavors from the other food items in the refrigerator and also prevents moisture loss. Eggs that have been removed from their shells should be stored in a tightly covered container. Egg whites can be stored up to 4 days while egg yolks can only be stored for 2 days. Hard-boiled eggs can be stored up to one week in the refrigerator.

How to store eggs in the freezer

If you have eggs that you will not be able to consume within a couple of weeks, it is possible to freeze them. Eggs can only be stored in the freezer out of their shells, and only when they are fresh and clean. Eggs, egg whites or egg yolks can be put in freezer containers when to store in the freezer. They should be tightly sealed and labelled with the number of eggs and the date of breaking the eggs. In order to use the eggs, they should be defrosted overnight in the refrigerator. The egg yolks thicken when they are frozen. In order to prevent the thickening of the eggs yolks, add 1/8 teaspoon of salt or otherwise 1 teaspoon of sugar, depending whether you want to use the yolks for main dishes or desserts. Raw eggs, raw egg whites or raw egg yolks can be stored in the freezer for up to one year.

How do you know whether eggs are rotten?

It is important to know whether you eggs are still good. While they might sometimes be hard to trust, your senses are often the most reliable tool of telling whether your eggs have gone bad. You can recognize a rotten egg by looking at its egg white. If an egg is fresh the egg white has a cloudy white color to it. If an egg is older, on the other hand, the egg white is more clear. When the egg white is clear it means the egg is still fresh and can be consumed. However, if the egg white looks more pink or has an iridescent color to it, it has most likely gone bad. This color usually goes together with a rotten smell when it is cracked. In this case make sure to throw it away since there are health risks associated with consuming rotten eggs. For example, Salmonella or certain E-coli strains of bacteria are present in rotten eggs and could have health consequences.

Another trick to know whether eggs have gone bad is by putting them in cold water and placing the eggs inside. If the eggs sink to the bottom, the eggs are good and can be consumed. When the eggs sinks but stand on its point the eggs can still be consumed but will not be good for much longer. This means that they should be eaten within the next two days. When the eggs do not sink but float, the eggs have gone bad. This is because old eggs have lost a lot of the liquid on the inside which has evaporated through their porous shell. This causes the egg to float instead of sink.

Interesting facts

An interesting fact is that most people think of eggs as being a dairy product. However they are actually considered to be an animal-by product since they are a protein source. Moreover, they serve multiple purposes. In many countries in the world, eggs are used as a breakfast dish. They can be boiled, fried or poached. Also they are used in desserts, main dishes or appetizers.


Article written by: SarahAjaoud
Times read: 2953x
Added: 12-06-2016 20:03
Last modified: 16-06-2016 13:54

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